JEPISTA Youth Joint Program

JEPISTA Youth Joint Program is an entrepreneur support program for those who want to create a mobile app and web services.

To start a new web service (app), there is a hurdle of “huge development costs”.

It is very difficult, especially for young people who are starting businesses, to prepare a huge budget.

You may be thinking, “I’m ready to launch a service, but I can’t start it because I don’t have the funds for development.”

For young people in this situation, we JEPISTA will create your service with “zero development costs”.

In other words, you can create your apps without spending a huge amount of money.

Program Overview

Apply Now

Please let us know the SNS account (YouTube, Twitter, etc.) that you mainly use.

Please describe the service you want to create in short.

Please explain the business in detail, your plan and the service/app you are planning etc..

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We are looking for an agent (Watch 1 min. Video for more).

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